Water is the foundation of our own bodies. We learn in school how important it is to drink water to rehydrate ourselves. Fitness experts constantly are espousing the benefits of water. Weight-loss programs are always saying how you need to drink your water to lose weight (the jury is still out on this one). We see celebrity after celebrity holding a bottle of water. And since we want anything a celebrity has logically we want that bottle of water too. Bottled water is bombarding us day in and day out through ads and just plain folks carrying their bottle (like my coworkers that seem to leave their half-drunk bottle on my desk.) And yet I have NOT yet caught onto the water drinking binge. I still drink my old fashioned Soda.
Yes I am a soda-holic. I even say that proudly. I am a Soda-Holic. There. I drink Diet Pepsi instead. (My soda of choice.) I drink a soda with my lunch everyday. I have one with my dinner. I have one when I get home and have one when I am watching TV. I have a glass next to my bed to drink during the night. (Probably why I don't sleep well and wake up every 2 hours.) So I am a certified soda-holic. Is there a 12-step program for those of us who suffer from this disease? Is it a disease? Hmmmm. Well I digress. I have been bone tired after a long day at work and chores at home, ready to crawl into bed, and will still get dressed (out of my just about to get in bed pajamas) and go to the store to get more. I can't be without soda in the refrigerator. Would that be one definition of a soda-holic? Maybe so.
So, now I have confessed I have a problem. I have aired my damaging soda dependence and have decided that I need to start drinking water. Gasp!!! Yes I have actually started to drink more water. I have been at my Weight Watchers meeting and have been asked each and every week if I have address this challenge. Bless their hearts that they keep asking.
So I say today that I may have turned the tide. I have taken that step. I have crossed that hurdle. Or any other cliche you can think of . But believe it or not I am have been drinking those little half bottles like I drink soda. I have had 4 just today and am proud of myself. (Tongue slightly in cheek.) Not just for the health and financial benefits (less soda = less buying = less spending) but I actually like it now! Everyone told me that would happen but I didn't believe them. They said that I would start craving it and I said Naw - no way. Water doesn't quench my thirst. I just feel slushy I would say. (I did too.) If there was a choice between water and soda, I always went to the soda.
Well I can now say that I am convert. I hope I am not one of those annoying folks who espouse all the virtues with a fair amount of vehemence of something they once eschewed. But really who knew? Who knew that I would actually choose water over soda. I have a refrigerator (a small one) at my work that I keep well stocked with soda and now it is 70/30 soda/water. I still have my soda. Pepsi Cola Co. can still count on me to help keep them in business. Yet I am starting to drink less and less. So I am at least going in the right direction. I don't have my soapbox yet but I am well on my way.
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