April 30, 2014

Turkey's, We have Turkey's

Yes we do. 

Now if you live in the country or in a rural area that is a big "So What!" But I live in a city. We have something like 800,000 people. All right, so it's only 67,000 but still a lot of people. AND we are next to Sacramento which has well over 500,000 people, for real. We have industry and warehouses and and and industry. So it was a surprise when I looked out the window and I saw a turkey.

Yes. I saw this little guy. I actually have no idea if he is really a "he" or "she" but I am going to go with "he".  

Now, to be honest, we have turkeys at this time every year, but it's still a surprise when they decide to show up. They are wild here and sometimes we even have something like 20 of them running around. But this is the first one I have seen this year. 

I spied him (though our dirty windows) and I stalked him until I got a picture of him. Yes I did. He ran but he couldn't get away from me. Heh Heh. 

I zeroed in on him and took his picture before he even knew it.

Then he ran away.

Then End. Well, until next time, which will be probably tomorrow. I hope he decides to hang with his family or friends and they come too. They are fun to watch.

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