April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!!!

It's a time for great weather (at least here anyway) which then makes for great easter egg hunts. When I was younger I was the master at finding the easter eggs. I loved to find all the eggs. It was my own inner detective working on coming out. I would look under the benches, in the plants, under and in the BBQ.  My Dad had to get creative in hiding them. Then came the day that I didn't find them all. He was really clever. He would have to even outsmart himself. Because that year in June we found the last easter egg. Yuk!!!

My mother loved easter because she got to make a huge batch of egg salad. She eats it like dip. In no time it's gone. Even to this day I make egg salad and I have to hide a portion so I have some for my sandwich.

Warning - - - bit serious. I am hesitant in sharing this area but since it's my What's Up this is what's up.

But then there is the reason for Easter. Since I live here in CA you can make a claim that we are not just christian here. There are sizable Jewish, Muslim, and other non-Christian communities here. But for my family we would go to the high holy days with Easter being one of them.

Now just for some background, I have been out of going to church for quite some time. We had a falling out, you could say. (Definitely a story for another time.) But I have been missing a family with which to worship corporately. That's a fancy way of saying I miss my church family.

I really didn't want to go back to my old church. After all you really can't go home again. It's NEVER the same. So I decided to go church shopping. I found a really big church not too far from where I live that is really out in the country. It is really a big, shiny, fancy, Non-Denominational church. I have always been in small neighborhood churches of about 100 or so and where members volunteer to bring some sort of goodie for social hour after the main service. So i thought what the heck, go for it.

This church was VERY different. But I wanted different. 

As I pulled up in front the police were directing traffic on the road. I thought it was because of Easter services were so big. I missed the first one and was attending the later one thinking it wouldn't be as full since it would be closer to meal time. I drove into the parking lot I basically went with the flow. I finally find a place to park and follow the crowd in. Up a lot of stairs as it's really hilly there. I love Easter because everyone dresses up. I love seeing little girls in dresses and Easter hats. Mom's all dressed in the best. Young men in button down shirts and slacks. Some even had a tie on. Whew. I loved it.

Then I get in and it was a bit overwhelming. I bit like a theater and they called it that as well. The worship area holds 1,423 people. I was shocked. But I wanted different and here I am. I forge ahead.

I find a place to sit. It's just like being in a theater. This is different but kind of cool. I see a stage with instruments and 2 screens in the air. I start having the feeling that I used to get at concerts. I am excited and starting to get pumped.

Then came the countdown to beginning. It starts with 5 minutes and you can feel the anticipation. This is going to be cool. The band starts playing the first of three songs. None of which I have heard before but those around me had an were singing along. The words were flashed on the screens. These were really nice songs that were catchy and praise worthy.  But what I was really struck by was the presentation. It was like going to a rock concert. I really am trying to keep an open mind but at this point was analyzing what is lacking that this type of stimulus is needed to present the Word. Then I found myself being sucked in. I really really like it. It was stimulating to the senses with the light show and band, upbeat words of welcome and then a very low-key communion and offertory.

Then came the sermon. The message. The most important part. What I was waiting for. What kind of message does this church provide?  I wanted to know. The Senior Pastor came out in jeans, sneakers, and something of what I would call an Aloha button down shirt. I get that he didn't want to be pretentious. I get that he wanted for everyone to feel comfortable and that it is our intentions that matter not the manner of dress. But I also believe that there is that one day you need to show your respect. Respect for yourself and others. I believe that this is that day.

But I also have to say that his message was clear and entertaining and current. He used real world examples that applied to his audience. I enjoyed his message.

I really had a good time.

The only thing I can say is that when the service was over most everyone left. There wasn't of a social stand around and talk part. But then they were there for the message. That is the only thing I see as lacking for me. I really need that social interaction. 

Since I am church shopping I will be checking out a Presbyterian church next week and we will see how that goes. Until then I bask in the glory of this message.

Thanks for being there all of you.

Happy Easter!!! 

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