March 17, 2014

A Book for Everything

Sorry Folks. But I have taken a much needed rest. 

But while I was out . . . I went to a local bookstore. Yes they are still around. Ok it was Barnes and Noble. I could spend my entire vacation there. 

I was in the clearance aisles (as usual - looking for a great deal) and something struck me. You can find a book on nearly anything. No matter how the world turns, no matter how much we progress, no matter what new gadget comes along, no matter what new idea is the all the rage, there is one constant. Books. There is a book on anything. 

For example:

If you want to excersize there are books on Pilates and Yoga. Bibles even!

Speaking of Bibles, if you are reading it for the first time again here you go. Now First time and again aren't exactly the same thing in my book but hey...

Now here the help you need to organize your life, get all your ducks in a row, for only $7.98. What a steal.

Which will lead to Reinventing yourself. Coool.

Which will then lead you on the Road to Grace. I also notice it costs less as you go too. 

I don't wish to make fun of this process but I was struck by the fact that there are books on such personal topics. Not that they aren't excellent thoughts and ideas and helpful to those in need but it can be such a personal journey. 

Now this is more in line of what I thought should be in the clearance section. That is the book for me.

So what did I finally end of up purchasing you ask. 

A book on how to blog. We'll see if it helps.

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