May 18, 2014

What summer means for my baby.

It's time to shed. That's what summer means. 

My baby sheds since he is a long-haired cat. 

Boy does he shed.

I need to brush him every night when it first gets warm. I keep thinking that I will  take all his hair out soon. But there is always more.

My poor baby just sits there and meows. He loves his brushing each night.

I need to get everywhere when I brush him. He just purrrrrrrrrs. And I if I stop . . . let's just say he lets me know when he is displeased. 

"You better not stop."

"You are so in trouble if you do."

"That's right. You better keep brushing if you know what's good for you."

I get tons of hair off him. It's sort of like cleaning when you haven't in a while You can really see where you have cleaned With him I can see that all my hard work is worth it. And it's hard work alright. My arm gets a workout. It's actually a sore I can hardly lift it. Ok not quite that bad but still.

This is a full brush each time. 

Also, HE dictates which side I get to brush. There is no holding him otherwise. If he doesn't want his right side brushed, we don't brush it. At least not without a fight. Just like kids. That's another reason why IS my baby.

I will tell you that if I don't give him this . . . I WILL be sorry. I will find a present the next morning.

Thank goodness he loves it.

And am thankful I have him. My baby!

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