May 14, 2014


Bags galore!

I love bags. 

I love purses. 

I am a pursaholic! 

Yes I am.

I watched ones of those make over shows for the home once that was helping a woman clean out her house. She had so many bags. She had rooms full of bags. The folks who were helping her had to discard most of her bags. I so felt for her. I was so in sympathy with her. I felt her pain when they tossed her bags. But it was a lesson for me. 

I then looked at all the bags I had strewn around my home. I was a little embarrassed. I had bags stuffed inside of other bags. 

So I decided right then I was not going to be this woman. I am better than that. I can control my . . . my . . . well my . . . habit! Yes I can!!!    

So ever since then I have really been keeping my bag collection in check. Well until a few months ago anyway. 

I fell off the wagon folks. I admit it. I looked at my collection and realized that it was time. I had Ikea bags (yes more than one), WalMart, Delta Dental (I received that on at a craft fair at my park), Rancho Cordova (same thing, different event),Michaels (craft store), not to mention all the grocery bags I have and miscellaneous bags I have been collecting. 

So I weeded them out and . . . and . . . really tried to throw them away. I really did folks. I did. I really did. But I kept thinking that I could use them for something someday. Then I realized that that kind of thinking is how I got here. If I didn't do something with them I would then be classified as a HOARDER! Nooooooooooo. That can't happen. No!!! 

So I did it. I put them in the trash bin. Then I took out the trash so I couldn't look at it and take them out again. Yes I did. I DID IT!!! 

Then I went to Target and I saw these. 

Oh my. I love this purse. 

This so me. 

I gotta have it. 

How much? Wait a minute. 

And then I saw these.

They are so cute! 

Love the colors. 

It's spring time, yeah.

And then I saw all these.

Oh No. Here I go again. 


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