April 3, 2015

Bucket List

I don't have a bucket list per se, but I do have some things that I would either like to do or experience before I leave this earth. Which will not be ANYTIME soon. I intend to be here, making everyone subject to my endless diatribe of political and social commentary. I consider this my gift to humanity. Ha.

So, that said, here are couple of things on my list (in  no particular order):

  • Learn to be proficient on a horse. That means not just riding well but also the care and maintenance of said animal. Still in progress. (I need to get in better shape first so this one is bit off the radar right now.)
  • Allow a dog to adopt me some day. Because you know we don't own our pets they decide that they want us around. I have had many cats as pets over the years but I would really like to have a dog someday as a pet.
  • I have been to Paris, France so that is not one of my things on my list. I was 14 at the time but I can say I did it and I have pictures to prove it.
  • I would like to see the fall colors of the New England. I have seen all those pictures of the gorgeous colors in Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Especially the covered bridges and all. Ahhhhh. I really want to see it for myself someday.
  • I would like to live in a climate where it snows for a few years and see what everyone is complaining about. I have only seen snow fall 4 times in my life and that was not anything to write home about. Especially since I was home at the time. But still. It was gone as soon as it hit the ground. Only once was I in a snow storm and that is a story for another time.
There are several other things on my list but here is the one that I am getting too ...

  • I have entered my crocheted afghan/blankets into the Sacramento County Fair. I have always wanted to do that. I am so excited. Now, of course, I need to finish them but I am great about that. I have a goal. A deadline. A drop dead deadline. I am not so far out of college that I can only finish anything if there is a deadline to submit. So I have one. I know they are not ribbon worthy and I am OK with that. I just want to see what happens and experience the process.

This is one of the afghans. I love the spring colors and it's really easy and fast. 

This is the one I am really proud of. Yes, and of course Jules as well. She wouldn't get up so I could finish this piece. It's a Queen size blanket. I didn't originally want it that big but that's what always happens on these projects. And NO, those holes will be braided up when I finish.

It was pretty easy to enter.  It's all done electronically now. There is even a charge to manually enter something. The instructions were all online and very clear. I guess they have been doing this a while. He he. So I am really excited to finish these and get them ready to be judged. Now I just need to find something to drape them on for viewing. I can't wait.

Well that's it for now. My new obsession. 

Until next time.

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